
Live Generously

Generosity is our response to the generosity that God has lavished on us in Jesus Christ. We worship with every aspect of our lives, including our time, talents (gifts/abilities) and treasure (finances). It’s the generosity of our people that enables us to be ‘New Life for the City’. So, we invite you to express your commitment to our church through regular sacrificial giving. Thank you.

Regular Giving

To set up a Standing Order, you'll need our bank details.

Danske Bank
Sort Code: 95-02-52
Account No: 81003445
Name: Bangor Parish Church
Ref: Your Name

Signup for Gift Aid

One Time Gift

This is a simple and easy way to give a single donation!


Contactless Giving

You can now give via our easy-to-use, contactless terminal at the Welcome Point. This method is best suited to irregular giving.